Common Dental Crown Problems & Their Prevention

7 may 2023

Dental crowns, heralded as a marvel of restorative and cosmetic dentistry, have seen numerous advancements since their inception. Although they're an indispensable tool for many dentists, they're not entirely free from potential hitches. Understanding these issues, their causes, and methods of prevention is key to maintaining your crowns for years.

A Brief Journey Through Dental Crown History

In the early days of dentistry, crowns were predominantly gold or other metals. These had exceptional durability but were aesthetically unpleasing, often standing out in a mouth full of white teeth. As dentistry progressed, we witnessed the introduction of porcelain and ceramic crowns. Their natural look was a game-changer, making them a favorite choice for many. The lifespan of crowns has seen a significant extension over time. While initially lasting only 5-7 years, today's crowns can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years with the proper care and materials.

Zooming in on Crown Complications and Their Origins

  • Loose Crowns: Dental cement acts as the bonding agent between your tooth and the crown. Over time, this can erode, causing the crown to loosen. If not addressed promptly, bacteria can infiltrate this space, leading to the decay of the anchor tooth.

  • Chipping or Cracking: Modern porcelain crowns are breathtakingly natural-looking, but they do have a vulnerability — their susceptibility to chipping or cracking. The culprits? Hard foods, accidental biting on non-food items, and habits like teeth grinding.

  • Crown Falling Off: A horrifying experience for many, this can arise from various scenarios. Decaying of the anchoring tooth, inadequate bonding cement, or a misaligned crown fit can be potential causes.

  • Discomfort or Sensitivity: A freshly placed crown can sometimes be sensitive, especially when exposed to extreme temperatures. This sensitivity is often temporary and can be attributed to the crown's proximity to the tooth's nerve.

  • Aesthetic Issues: Especially prevalent in porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, you might notice a dark line at the base. This isn't a defect; it's the underlying metal showing through.

Empowering Yourself: Prevention & Troubleshooting

Regular Dental Checkups: Scheduling visits to reputable dental offices, such as KA Dental Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry, ensures any budding problems are identified and addressed promptly.

Prioritize Oral Hygiene: A disciplined regime of brushing and flossing keeps bacterial plaque at bay. This is crucial to ensure the gums around the crown remain healthy and firmly attached.

Dietary Habits: It's tempting to crack open that nut using your teeth or enjoy some hard candy. However, with a dental crown, it's highly recommended to resist such urges. Your natural teeth will thank you as well!

Nightguards to the Rescue: Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, can be a silent crown destroyer. If you're diagnosed with this condition, consider investing in a nightguard. It acts as a protective barrier, absorbing the grinding pressure.

Material Matters: A Dive into Crown Construction

  • Metal Crowns: A classic choice, often crafted from gold or palladium alloys. Their durability is unmatched, and they can potentially last a lifetime. The trade-off? Their conspicuous appearance.

  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: A beautiful marriage of strength and aesthetics. They provide a more natural appearance than metal crowns but come with the risk of porcelain chipping and the occasional visible metal base.

  • All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns: Perfect for those seeking an impeccable color match. While they're aesthetically superior, they trade off some durability.

  • Resin Crowns: A more budget-friendly option, resin crowns are, however, less durable and more prone to wear and tear.

  • Pressed Ceramic Crowns: These crowns have a tough inner core, making them a durable option compared to conventional porcelain crowns.

No matter the complication, timely professional intervention is vital. With offices located in Palm Beach Gardens, Royal Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, and Boynton Beach, FL, KA Dental Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry is poised to address any crown-related concerns. Their seasoned professionals, combined with their same-day crown service, ensures that your smile remains uninterrupted.

To wrap up, while dental crowns have evolved tremendously both in form and function, they aren't devoid of potential issues. With informed choices, preventive measures, and a trusted dental partner like KA Dental Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry, you can ensure your crowns remain a testament to modern dentistry's brilliance.